The Patel Theory of a Negative Hole

Patel Theory of a Negative Hole is a theory that proves the theory of supersymmetry and most of the string theory. Proves that time and space originated from the -hole and that time and space not only flows forward but must also flow back to the creation point. However, disproves the theory of relativity. The Patel theory states that the flow of negative and positive is based off the distance of the creation point. Think of it as a black hole, objects near a black hole accelerate faster than those further away. However, the creation point is not a black hole, in fact it’s more of a universal recycler. The hole not only created space-time but also creates negative matter into positive matter. Thus the creation of four known dimensions. The dimensions shrink and grow that’s why the universe will always have unobservable dimensions. But the -hole is basically the big bang with a twist.
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