Stephen J. Crothers

Stephen J. Crothers is an Australian mathematician. He is known for his paper, "A Brief History of Black Holes" which overviews the genesis of the black hole phenomena, and its wide spread acceptance as a physical entity. Crothers is also known as a critic of the Big Bang theory and General Relativity. He is currently an independent researcher in theoretical astrophysics and has been a member of the Natural Philosophy Alliance since 2005.
Mr. Crothers was also a featured speaker in the Electric Universe Conference of 2013, entitled The Tipping Point in Albuquerque, NM. In his speech entitled, The Non-existence of the Black Hole and the Total Failure of General Relativity, he gives a critique of modern astrophysics.
Dr. Myron Evans of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, has this to say about Mr. Crothers:
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