The Pakistan Daily

The Pakistan Daily is a Pakistani digital news outlet primarily known for its groundbreaking reporting on Afghanistan - Pakistan affairs.
The Pakistan Daily produces daily news stories on its website and they have been also quoted by other foreign media channels as well. It was founded by Hamza Azhar Salam in October 2020 who is a former reporter for Geo News and The News International in London. Raja Furqan Ahmed, an Islamabad-based journalist serves as the news editor of The Pakistan Daily.
In December 2021, The Pakistan Daily found rare access to Afghanistan's acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi who granted an exclusive interview to The Pakistan Daily on camera whilst visiting Pakistan in the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in Islamabad. The Pakistan Daily has also interviewed other notable persons and politicians in Pakistan including Hussain Nawaz Sharif, Reham Khan, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, Sardar Masood Khan.
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