News Blaze

NewsBlaze is a national online news organization. The site,, serves as a credible alternative to large corporate media conglomerates that have their own news agenda. NewsBlaze focus is to provide a straightforward look at today’s most relevant news stories without leaning toward any bias political views. Stories found on the site are not the traditional sensationalized stories found in many popular news outlets. NewsBlaze is both an independent news source and aggregator.

NewsBlaze was founded in 2005 with the goal of broadening the scope the Internet news journalism for its readers. In contrast with other mainstream news sources who rely on reporting the essentially the same headline story, Newsblaze focus remains on finding those thought provoking stories that are virtually ignored by today’s attention seeking news media.


Alan Gray founded in 2005. Judyth Piazza, founder of The Student Operated Press and radio host of American Perspective, serves as editor. features an array of talented respected journalists and media professionals.

In addition to providing world, national, daily and cultural news, NewsBlaze offers links to other news sources and news wires, such as Eworldwide, Marketwire, PrimeNewswire and PRNewswire. As part of its goal to give readers a deeper understanding of current news, the site uses visual news by incorporating pictures and video new releases in its format.

NewsBlaze encourages interaction with its readers by using a ‘Tell a Friend’ link, with NEWSLETTERS, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, and ACCESS TO SOCIAL BOOKMARKING SITES. The site encourages readers to spread the word.

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