The Only Exception

"The Only Exception" is the third single from Paramore's third album, Brand New Eyes. It will be released on April 19, 2010. The song will be different for Paramore, it is much slower and less upbeat.
Frontwoman Hayley Williams has blogged on the band's LiveJournal account about the song:

"It would be a chance for us to do something different. We've never put out a song that wasn't fast or quirky or upbeat and fun. There are other sides to the band too... you guys know that better than the rest of the world... and to see how people react to the side of us that isn't sorta wild would be fun for us. To be honest, I'm nervous as to how it could go! I like the idea of having to take a leap instead of going with an obvious style of a song... but sure, it's a risk. Anyways, I would like to ask you that even if you aren't completely sold on the idea you would at least pretend to support us in it. It's not like this is the last song we'll be releasing anyways! There will be plenty more from brand new eyes.

Music video
The video is being shot at the beginning of February. Hayley has stated that the video would be more personal and different than the other music videos they have done. They will announce the music video details on the band's LiveJournal as it gets closer to the time.
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