The Nureh Staff

The Nureh Staff is the first book of The Bane of Darkness Trilogy written by American authors Daniel and J.J. Eyre. It was published by PublishAmerica.

Plot summary
The story starts as a young man named Pipp Felshar is returning from the shore. He meets Dannan Cure, a strange white-haired man only a few years older than him self, on his way when he is forced to enter a traveler's thicket because of the rain. The night after they reached Pipp's hometown of Hebar, he is attacked by a strange black-cloaked man but is rescued by Dannan. As they flee Hebar in an attempt to save the village the man catches up the them and Dannan reveals him to be a Vaal'tema an evil creature created from the birth of a powerful sorcerer. Again Dannan saves them and they head to Shar'ason, to speak with the Governor. After an encounter with Daal Thata (sorcerers from the Cursed Land) they discover that Pipp is a sorcerer. They meet up with Pipp's good friend, Zack Claym, and then enter the Deep Gold an inn, where they meet Heaven a sorceress. The Vaal'tema attacks again forcing them to flee from Shar'ason as they had Hebar, this time they head to Adrian'Farse capital of Adria. Dannan leaves the group after giving Pipp a golden chain. Mean while, on the Cursed Land a war is going on between Aerit and the Daal Thata. Rachel Eshtar, a former Daal Thata sorceress, accompanies Jessica Farshaw to the Mainland in search of the prophesied Bane of Darkness to stop the Daal Thata from releasing the God of Death, Zoth'Drai'El.
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