The New Art Fest

The New Art Fest an international art, science and technology festival. It is based in the city of Lisbon. The organiser run an annual festival which focuses on the interlinkages between art, technology and society. It also confers the Black Raven Award award.
The first edition of The New Art Fest began in November 2016 with opening at the followed by twenty days of talks, seminars, conferences and an exhibition.
The festival is officially partnering with the City of Lisbon (Câmara Municipal de Lisboa). Since the beginning the festival is endorsed by partners like the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon and the National Museum of Contemporary Art.
The establishing of an art and technology festival in Lisbon may be understood in the wider scope of a culture-rich capital, which is currently transforming into a start-up hub. In 2017 The New Art Fest cooperated directly with the Lisbon Web Summit , an annual technology conference held in Lisbon, considered the largest tech event in the world.
In 2016 The New Art Fest hosted the Brazilian-Portuguese musician, architect, photographer and intermedia artist Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta. During the 2017 edition of the festival the artist Leonel Moura installed BeBot, a swarm of robot-painters demonstratimg the power of future autonomous art.
Another artist who contributed artworks to the 2017 edition of the festival is Manuel Casimiro. In 2018 the project of the was presented by Helen Thorington and Jo-Anne Green.
The festival 2020 was organized and curated by curator Luísa Moreira and the curator, artist and art critic António Cerveira Pinto.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 edition of The New Art Fest was transformed into a digital festival.
The Black Raven Award
The Black Raven Award is a monetary prize, accompanied by its emblematic trophy, a black raven printed with 3D technology.
2020: Rodrigo Gomes
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