The Mage Wars

Guys, please remove this. I know that it is wrong.

The Mage Wars is a series of Fantasy Literature that was created by Tesmy. It is about 7 heroes known as Anceints who are trying to stop a possessed Anceint from ending the world.

There is a small set of main characters in The Mage Wars, all are listed below.

Sanctum is a young man who runs away from his kingdom, because he claims he is bored and wants an adventure. He soon meets up with the others and discovers he is the Primary Anceint, and must stop Tez.

Tez is the main antagonist in The Mage Wars. He is a young man who was possessed by a powerful demon who attempts to kill the Anceints several times. He manages to regenerate through several injuries, such as having his hand cut off and being stabbed through the heart with Teskin's Katana.

Rose is a priestess who has the ability to heal most wounds, and is in love with Teskin. She is a mage who has the ability to control earth and can create Mountains, Spikes, Sheilds, and numerous other things.

Teskin is a young man who used to live in an Orphanage in the Fire Kingdom but soon escaped, because he was unhappy there. He got lost in the Fire Kingdom forest, which was full of monsters, and had trained there a year before escaping into the Ice Kingdom. He is the brother of Tez and has a relationship with Rose, but doesn't like to show it.

Eldric is an anceint who has the ability to control ice. Like Rose, he can created Mountains, Spikes, and Sheild. His blade is enchanted with Ice so if can freeze victims' bloodstream when he uses his Primevil.

Aruro and Orura
Aruro and Orura are brothers, but Aruro gets killed and Orura is his Reincarnation. Aruro isn't Anceint, but Orura is reborn into a Half-Anceint and joins the others to stop Tez.

Blade isn't completely Anceint. In fact, he is only 1/3 Anceint. He is a demon who crawled his way out of Hell and lived in the lost Blood Kingdom for 500 years. He began gaurding the Anceint Temple for 'Unknown Reasons' and discovered he was an Anceint.

In The Mage Wars, there are 8 main kingdoms and 3 hidden kingdoms. Each kingdom is listed below.

Light Kingdom
The kingdom of Light, lead by the Light Lord. It is a quiet, peaceful place and is sometimes portrayed as Heaven. Most people living in the Light Kingdom have a sense of inner peace and equality.

Darkness Kingdom
The kingdom in which Sanctum lives. It is a busy place, covered in black. Most people in the Darkness Kingdom are like regular people, but have a sense of extreme hate within them.

Fire Kingdom
The kingdom in which Teskin lives. It is mostly quiet, and people there are a little mean. Sometimes people can break out into demons, though.

Ice Kingdom
The kingdom in which Eldric and Orura live. It is quiet and busy at the same time. People there are peaceful like the light kingdom but less equal.

Earth Kingdom
The kingdom in which Rose and Aruro live. It is a large, busy place where people are usually always serious. People that live there seem to have no emotions, though Rose is an exception.

Wind Kingdom
The kingdom that is little known. It is the smallest kingdom and has a population of about 2,000. People there are silent and quick.

Tunder/Lightning Kingdom
The kingdom that is small and little known. Few people live there, though the people there all have the ability to Teleport.

Water Kingdom
The kingdom that is similar to the Ice Kingdom. It is more peaceful and surronded by water. There is a small bridge leading to the island, however.

Blood Kingdom
The lost kingdom in which Blade lives. It is in a very distant part of the world and full of large blood demons. It is also home to the Anceint Temple.

Life Kingdom
A holy kingdom which is the closest thing to Heaven in the series, other than the Light Kingdom.

Death Kingdom
A demonic kingdom which is pretty much complete nothingness, as some people beleive Hell to be.
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