The Last of the Dying

The Last of the Dying is a book written by American author Brittney Stewart. It follows the life of a mutated man in a post-apocalyptic world, as he tries to cope with a dying planet.
When the world finally collapses and begins to fade away, the only chance of survival is to create a new and better earth. With millions of people paying all they have to become one of the saved and make it to New Blue 1 (the new earth) everyone who cannot pay is simply left behind to die along with the planet. Silas is one of the forgotten, but when he is forced to surrender himself to a risky experiment, he finds that the fate of humanity is left in his hands. Unsure about his new abilities, and desperate to save the lives of those left behind, Silas does not know if he will discover a secret that could change the future.
About the author
BRITTNEY STEWART is the author of The Last of the Dying a NaNoWriMo (see 2009 winning novel, and The White Rabbit. Brittney was born and raised in Oklahoma where she lives and writes today.
Publication information
1st Edition, Published by CreateSpace, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4499-2941-1.
2nd Edition, Published by Tate Publishing, 2013 ISBN 978-1627466868
3rd Edition, Published by Unusual Publishing, 2016 ISBN 978-0692644355
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