The Kamar is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Malik. There are very few followers of this religion, but the religion is open to anyone, no matter what their background is or who they are. The Kamar has been influenced by the Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It orders all its followers (and all of mankind) to beleive in one God, who is omniscent, omniprescent, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wise and the creator of all things. The Kamar beleives that God created the entire universe and still continues to govern it. All members of the Kamar recite a daily prayer which is performed before they go to sleep as a reminder and thanks of God's prescence.
Eight Rules of the Kamar
Malik has described the Kamar not only a religion and faith, but also a way of life. The code of ethics for Kamars are the Eight Rules of the Kamar. According to Takah, these rules are, "fitting and suitable for a healthy lifestyle, both physical and spiritual". The Eight Rules are as follows:
Faith A belief in one God, the Abrahamic God and no other and to beleive in Judgement Day. Kamars are also required to beleive in all of God's Messangers; including Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Lot, Moses and Muhammad. The Kamar beleives that the Bible was given by God, but was corrupted by human hands and therefore sent the Qu'aran as his final book which is unalterable similar to the Islamic idea.
Prayer Kamars are required to recite a daily prayer every day before they go to sleep. It is to thank God for his prescence and for allowing the person to live another day. Also, Saturday Prayers and the Day of Atonement Prayers come under this rule.
Peace To respect and tolerate all of mankind, no matter what their belifs are. Kamars are told to promote world peace and discourage violence.
Charity Believers are required to pay regular charity to a worthy cause, whether Kamar or not. Those who cannot afford to pay charity however, are exempt from this rule.
Sexual Enjoyment The Kamar teaches that a married heterosexual couple must maintain a healthy sexual relationship. Sexual intercourse is also considered holy and a form of worship.
Repentence Kamars are to fast on November 1st, the Day of Atonement for Kamars. It is the holiest day in the Kamar calender. Believers are expected to fast and repent for the sins they have commited during the year. Those who are not able to fast (due to a physical or psychological difficulty) are not required to fast.
Ritual Purity A Kamar's lifestyle must be clean and pure. Meat must be ritually slaughtered under Kamaran rules to maintain "cleanliness" in the body. Kamars must also clean their bodies with water before performing prayer.
Procreation The Kamar teaches that God has created human beings to live and procreate to continue generations. Having a child is considered a gift from God.
View on other Monotheistic religions The Kamar does not require people to convert to the religion or observe all the Kamar laws. The Kamar teaches those who believe in God, the Day of Judgement and perform good deeds is sufficient for righteousness. However, if one wishes to convert to the Kamar religion, it is accepted.
Judaism The Kamar beleives that the Jews are a special people, loved by God and that the Children of Israel have a special bond with the Almighty. However, the Kamar rejects the view that the Jews are "God's Chosen People" and that they are higher than others. The Kamar also urges Jews to accept Jesus and Muhammad as prophets, but are none the less righteous people.
Christianity Like the Jews, the Kamar believes that Christians have also a special bond with God. The Kamar however also believes that Christians have been misled. The Kamar views the idea of Jesus being the Son of God, and the trinity, to be blasphemous and that the Christians have ascribed partners to God. However, the Kamar believes the Christians are still loved by God, but it would be better if they rejected the trinity and believed in complete monotheism.
The Kamar and Islam are more similar in their beliefs. That God is One, the Qu'aran was sent and that Muhammad was his final Messanger. Some even consider the Kamars to be Muslims, however it is denied by the Kamars. The Kamars are more favourable of Muslims, and beleive that they speak the ultimate truth of preaching the message of God. There is no particular Kamar view on Muslims, but they are never the less considered good people.