The Great Rebellion

The Great Rebellion is a fictional resistance group in the animated television series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
The Great Rebellion was formed by Glimmer, when Hordak and The Evil Horde invaded Etheria. When The Horde began to attack Etheria to get it under their control, several Etherians banded together to form The Great Rebellion, to free Etheria from Horde occupation. For many years, Glimmer was the leader of The Rebellion, until Adora arrived. Adora had previously been the Force Captain of The Horde. When she meets her brother Prince Adam, he shows Adora her true destiny and that it is not with The Horde, but fighting against them. Adora leaves The Horde and joins The Rebellion. At this time, Glimmer is reunited with her mother Queen Angella of Bright Moon. Glimmer passes on the title of Rebellion leader to Adora, and she returns to Bright Moon with her mother. Although Glimmer is no longer the leader of The Rebellion, she often travels to The Whispering Woods in disguise so she can help out where it is needed.

Members and allies of The Rebellion
*Adora - Leader of The Rebellion.
*Glimmer - Former leader of The Rebellion, Princess of Bright Moon
*Bow - Etheria's most skilled archer.
*Frosta - Queen of the Kingdom of Snows
*Castaspella - Queen of Mystacor
*Mermista - Mermaid Princess of Salineas.
*Perfuma - Flower maiden of Etheria.
*Madame Razz and Broom - Absent-minded witch and her flying broom.
*Netossa - Skilled in the art of capture.
*Spinnerella - Etherian dancer who can spin at high speed.
*Sea Hawk - Pirate swordsman.
*Peekablue - Etheria's seer.
*Kowl - Cowardly helper.
*Sweet Bee - Intergalactic ally.
*Flutterina - Butterfly woman.
*Queen Angella - Queen of Bright Moon.
*Light Hope - Supernatural guardian of The Crystal Castle.
*He-Man - She-Ra's twin brother and protecter of Eternia.
*General Sunder - Former general of the Horde
*Lohni - Adora's friend and former second-in-command in the Horde.
*King Ahgo - King of the Trolls of Spikeheart.

Great Rebellion, The
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