The Fandom Menace

The Fandom Menace is a group of Star Wars fans who are standing up against the "wokeness" being represented in Star Wars and other Entertainment properties and also the consistent backlash of fandoms by the media.
Starting mainly at the end of 2015 with The Force Awakens but truly surged after The Last Jedi released, many fans found the movie not being faithful to the original trilogy and saw that Disney and Lucasfilm was lifting up the new protagonist Rey as the new face of the franchise.
Many fans have seen the character in particular as a Mary Sue and not earning anything that Luke Skywalker and others in the universe had by training, learning and teamwork.
This group has faced backlash among media sources and merged with Gamergate, Comicsgate, and #IStandwithVic crowd. They've also been linked to various far right wing groups and has all been known as mostly white male conservatives. JJ Abrams has talked about the infamous group on IGN.
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