The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing
"The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing" is a 35 pages e-book written by Ann Sieg about the most common mistakes made by network marketing distributors. The author, herself a network marketing distributor, created this e-book as a free "giveaway" for her site. What is unusual to this e-book is the fact that the author gives the rights to resell, reprint and redistribute this ebook to anybody who wants to use her system, called "The Renegade System".
This e-book is quite unique because the author criticize the network marketing promotion style which says it is based on lie, deception and misileading. The author does not criticize the network marketing system however but only the marketing tactics used by distributors and promoted by the majoritz of leaders.
After a short introduction chapter, the ebook starts presentig the lies, each in a separate chapter, as follows:
Lie# 1 - Everyone is your prospect!
This is a common phrase in network marketing, frequently used to induce distributors the idee that they have to talk with everybody about their opportunity.
"Because of this lie, people have the mistaken idea that talking to anyone and everyone they come within arms length of is an effective recruiting technique."..."These kind of antics have damaged this industry’s reputation almost beyond repair. They’ve absolutely destroyed any image of professionalism and made it harder for everyone to sponsor people."
The author emphasize that not everyone is your prospect and even gives some solutions to this problem.
Lie# 2 - This really isn’t sales. We just share products with people.
This is a lie because the distributors actually make a sale. This lie appeared because most people feel uncomfortable about sales. Is used to induce distributors the ideea that they dont have to sale in this industry. Because of this, the majority of distributors have poor selling skills and training.
Lie# 3 - Anyone can do this!
This lie is offten told to new distributors as a motivation to try harder. Altough network marketing does not require any qualification to be made prior to becoming a distributor, there are several factors that are crucial for succes in this industry. Some of them are determination, discipline, communication skills, sales abilities and contacts.
Lie# 4 - We’ll build your business for you.
Actualy a network marketer is a sales person as all business owners are. There’s two things that every network marketer sells. One is the products that the company provides, such as telecommunications services, nutritional products, etcetera, etcetera. The other thing is they are also selling a business model. If no selling or anything else is required on your part, then why would they need you as a distributor?
Lie# 5 - We have the best product ever!
Now it’s not that this statement isn’t necessarily true (although often it isn’t)…it’s that it
doesn’t matter. The most important thing in business is marketing and sales and not necesarily the product. "You can have the most ground-breaking product in the world, but if you’re not using effective marketing, no one will know and no one will care."
Lie# 6 - You just don’t have enough belief!
Millions of distributors everywhere are told that the reason they aren’t successful yet is
because they just don’t have enough belief. Or they don’t have a big enough “why.”
Lie# 7 - The proven system
Just follow the proven business plan! - is the lie that is a culmination of all other lies. The so-called “proven” business plan is a broken-down, rusted system that’s composed of faulty techniques and out-dated methods. And the worst part about it is that not only doesn’t it work, it’s severely harmful to your business (and your social life).
The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing free e-book.
The Renegade System
Renegade Marketing Style
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