Terrain Exhibitions

In 2011 Sabina Ott co-founded Terrain Exhibitions with writer John Paulett. Terrain Exhibitions is an artist run project space in Oak Park, Illinois. Terrain Exhibitions differs from most artist run or "apartment spaces" insofar as the artists works are exhibited outdoors in the front yard and are accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Ott and Paulett invite artists to create interventions into the conventional or traditional idea of what a front yard should be and how it might function. Ott and Paulett ask artists to consider the differences between private and public space and explore intersections between decoration and utility. Terrain Exhibitions is located across from Longfellow School in Oak Park, at the intersection of Highland and Jackson Avenues.
Terrain Artists
Terrain Exhibitions has exhibited the work of the following artists: Claire Ashley, Lise Haller Baggesen, Leslie Baum, Judith Brotman, Angela Bryant, Brent Fogt, Krista Franklin, Michelle Grabner, Brad Killam, Anna Kunz, Victoria Martinez, Erin Minckley Chlaghmo, Jeroen Nelemans, Melissa Potter, Mat Rappaport, Alison Ruttan and Edra Soto.
Terrain South
Inaugurated in January 2014 by Leota Mead's "Home (Ave.) on Highland", Terrain South is located three houses south on a vacant grass lot. Artists who have exhibited in the Terrain South space include Josh Garber, Brad Killam, (f)utility Projects and Leota Mead.
Terrain Exhibitions Biennial
In addition to Terrain Exhibitions Ott and Paulett also organize the Terrain Biennial a month long exhibition that asks the local community to adopt an artist for the duration of the project and work with them to create an installation or artwork situated in their front yard or garden space. The Terrain Exhibitions Biennial first occurred in 2013 and will take place once more in 2015 expanding to include other artist run spaces in the Oak Park area.
Village of Oak Park, 4th July Parade
Terrain Exhibitions has also participated in the annual Oak Park July 4 parade on two occasions with Claire Ashley in 2012 and Lise Haller Baggesen in 2014.
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