Tariq Bashir

Dr. Tariq Bashir is the head of the science section at Pakistan's Council for Science and Technology (PCST).
Bashir has a Ph.D. and specialises in science and technology policy.
Bashir earned his degree of PhD from Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK in 2000. He has attended various training related to science, technology and innovation policy in United Kingdom, Netherlands, South Korea, Malaysia and Turkey. His distinctions include leading the first-ever industrial innovation survey (in collaboration with Directorate of S&T of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province) in Pakistan and co-supervising the research thesis of first-ever student who obtained the degree of Masters in Science and Technology Policy from a Pakistani university. He has won internationally competitive fellowships / scholarships from Commonwealth Association (2003), UNU-MERIT (2004) and UNIDO (2007). He was invited to participate in the World Science Forum in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017. He has remained member of the National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council constituted by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan from 2007 to 2016. Currently, he is member of S&T Advisory Committee of the Department of S&T, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province and Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (STEAM) Education constituted by the Planning Commission of Pakistan. Overall, he has more than 24 years of diverse experience in the field of science and technology.
Bashir joined the Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) in 2001, and presently he is working as Incharge of the Science Section at PCST and Project Director of “First Industrial National Innovation Survey”. He has been/is involved in the various activities related to STI policy formulation, evaluation of scientific research and, collection, compilation and publication of data on STI statistical indicators etc. His professional interests include national STI capacities, industrial innovation, research evaluation, governance of science, technology & innovation, triple helix linkages, and STI's role in socio-economic development. He has more than 35 publications (research papers and reports) to his credit.
Before joining PCST, he has worked in Water Management Department (Punjab Government), Ayub Agriculture Research Institute (Punjab Government), National Fertilizer Development Centre (Federal Government) and Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (Federal Government).
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