Tar Ua Mhesa

The Tar Ua Mhesa is a recorded recitement said to be originally attributed to a blind Druid known as Mug Ruith who according to Annals of the Four Masters is said to have lived during the reign of Conmael around 1450BC,he is believed to have translated megalithic Cuneiform of the Knowth tomb in the boyne valley County Meath,Ireland,and is said to have recited knowledge which was originally intended as a safe passage guide for the dead,the recitement became known as the Tar Ua Mhesa,(Passage from Judgement),it is said that what he recited pertains to the acquisition of powers leading to awakening by the repetition of gesticular movements and exercises involving the vocal tract, the records of his recitements are said to have been recorded in the Black book of Loughcrew
Origin of Manuscripts
The Authors of the manuscripts themselves remain unknown and the accuracy of duplicate translations is also highly debatable but it has been recorded that the Black book of Loughcrew surfaced in the late 1600s and was acquired by the Bavarian Illumanati in the late 18th century
Leading up to the second world war the Ahnenerbe learned that there existed a manuscript which has recorded in it the origins of the Aryan race,on learning that the manuscript in question was The Black book of Loughcrew it was located and confiscated from the Thule society
From there its last known whereabouts was in the hands of a German translator Henry Thorenson,the original Manuscript went missing from the Ahnenerbe archives in 1941, There are no records of it surfacing since.
Contemporary Literature
A recent author by the name of Steven Akins published a book which he claims is an accurate translation of the knowledge pertaining to the Tar ua Mhesa recitement known as Lebor Feasa Runda, he claims close affiliation with the family of the late Henry Thorenson and maintains that he gained possession of a copy of the manuscript which Henry Thorenson continued working on after the war for two decades.
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