TAPE Method

TAPE is a four-step training methodology used in developing and running training programs. It was developed by ClarkMorgan Corporate Training.
TAPE is a successive methodology which ensures that learners are prepared and supported by case studies before practicing and then being evaluated for understanding . Theory, Application, Practice and Evaluation are the four components of this comprehensive training programs. The TAPE method is used in ClarkMorgan's modular skills trainings.
;THEORY: Trainees are provided with the theory behind a new skill, which includes the current behavior and improved behavior, once the skill is mastered.
;APPLICATION: Cases, examples, and anecdotes are provided by the trainer to provide a reason for obtaining the new skill, a nd to demonstrate how this can be achieved.
;PRACTICE: This section occupies 40 to 50 percent of the overall methodology, with trainees working individually, in pairs or small groups to demonstrate competency.
;EVALUATION: The trainer provides in class feedback through the identification of correct and incorrect demonstrations of the theory.
The TAPE Methodology was made popular by ClarkMorgan Corporate Training, a training firm based in Greater China.
The concept of TAPE is based on the Learning styles described by Honey and Mumford, which includes the four categories of theorist, pragmatist, activist, and reflector. The TAPE module matches this model of learning against a methodology for designing training materials and was first published in the China published Network HR magazine issue #31 in May 2011.

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