Tammy Tran

Minh-Tam Tran also known as Tammy Tran is a Vietnamese-American lawyer. She is a founder of The Tammy Tran Law firm, located in Bellaire, Texas, United States.
Early Life and education
Tran is graduated from St. Mary's University, Texas with Bachelor of Art degree in communication art, She then earned a Juris Doctor from the University of Texas School of Law. She was the first Vietnamese-American women to be admitted to the University of Texas School of Law.
Tran worked as a law clerk for Melinda Harmon, a United States district judge, of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. Then she practiced litigation at an international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski for eight years. After that she founded a law firm named "The Tammy Tran Law Firm".
* San Jacinto River Dioxin:
Acted as legal counsel for multiple victims in litigating this mass torts case. Dioxin can cause cancer, birth defects and skin cancer.
* BP Oil Spill Claims and Barratry Victims:
Currently representing for a significant number of Vietnamese-American clients impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Serving as legal counsel to both the Vietnamese American Fisherman Emergency Association and the Vietnamese American Fisherman And Oil Spill Victims Emergency Association, which are the largest associations of Vietnamese fishers nationwide.
* Temple Inland:
Acting as legal counsel for individuals affected by the Pearl River Spill attributed to Temple-Inland, Inc. on August 7, 2011. Designated by the federal judge of the east.
Tran is a Life Fellow at Houston Bar Foundation (Present).
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