Talent Data Exchange

Talent Data Exchange (TDX) developed by Brightfield Strategies (Brightfield) is a data analytics platform and membership-based data service that enables companies to precisely compute the cost of human capital and test their workforce strategies. TDX offers secure, real-time access to vetted and anonymized data, contributed by participating members made up of companies of all sizes in a variety of industries for both contingent worker and employee workforces.
How TDX works
Like any genetic framework, Brightfield’s Talent Data Exchange is laddered and multi-layered. One tool breaks down each and every job title into its most basic parts. Another provides true market rate costs as opposed to best guesstimates. And a third can answer the never-ending question “exactly how is my human capital program doing?” In its entirety, TDX represents a body of fact that adds real, evidence based backbone to any human capital-related decision and offers long-term company-wide competitiveness. The technology underlying the TDX breaks work assignment needs into granular bits and pieces to more precisely define job functions so companies can get a current, comprehensive, clear picture of the labor market. TDX enables real-time access to data and a series of sophisticated tools designed specifically to answer the most pressing questions companies have about their workforce.
Staffing Industry Analysts
In partnership with Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA), Contingent Workforce Analytics enables companies to examine the cost of non-employee labor through market level analysis that uses only actual transactional data for accurate insight into program performance and developing and validating workforce strategies.
In partnership with ERE Media (ERE), Talent Acquisition Benchmarking allows companies to compare key recruiting metrics against peer organizations across all industry verticals, specific to FTE/employee anonymized data.
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