Professor Joe Carrington


Professor Joe Carrington, Boca Raton, FL: Medical Nutritionist, Radio broadcaster and Educator. Born: NYC, Graduate: Harvard University; Additional graduate study M.I.T. in Nuclear Engineering/Nuclear Medicine. Listed; Who's Who in Medicine, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in the East et al.


A practicing Medical Nutritionist 40 years, he was Licensed as a Nutritionist in 1988 when Florida first began requiring licenses and again in 1990-2004. His sincere honesty, compassion and sharp insight during his radio broadcasts, into the corruption of the pharmaceutical and drug companies, medical schools and medical Drs. "Who built their million dollar mansions on the dead bodies of those who trusted them" earned him the esteem of his radio listeners and the wrath of those he exposed. For 10 years he broadcasted throughout South Florida, exposing the corruption in the medical "business" which he said ceased being a "profession" long ago, citing endless and well documented examples to the embarrassment of both pharmaceutical executives and medical doctors alike.

Carrington would joke about his patients who would start off by expressing their concern that those he exposed hadn't killed him yet, or gotten him thrown off the air. His answer was that he was no threat to any one and as long as he told the truth, he was safe. But the truths he told were very real threats to those who wished to remain hidden!

Among his last broadcasts was a knife in the heart of medical corruption! He called for a 5 year moratorium to stop the revolving door between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies. He explained "pharmaceutical company executives would leave their companies and work for the FDA, passing all kinds of favorable laws, then return to their companies. The FDA was filled with and run by the pharmaceutical companies" Carrington would explain. He also exposed conflicts of interest where FDA executives would circumvent the laws prohibiting them from owning stock in the same pharmaceutical companies whose drugs they would rule on. "At first there were disclosure documents that FDA officials needed to file, but eventually they too were done away with and now the FDA members do not have to divulge their ownership of stocks, even when the stocks are from companies whose value could be changed by FDA rulings on the company's drugs!"

Striking at the heart of what has been the foundation and strength behind the corruption of the medical "business", "the powers that be were determined to shut him down" well placed sources said.

A search revealed a "squeaky clean record" without so much as a single complaint against Prof. Carrington throughout his 40 year practice. "This is unheard of" an investigator said.

What "they" finally did? Each year nutritionists, like Medical Drs. and other medical professionals, are required to attend lectures to keep up with current information. No tests are given and attendance is all that is required to receive "CEU's" (continuing education credits). Each year Carrington attended, sent in the certificates of attendance and renewed his license.

About 2004, a patient told Carrington that his license was expired, according to his record search. Professor Carrington knew nothing of this and upon checking, learned that the State of Florida claimed they never received his certificate of attendance for his "CEU's" and that his license therefore became "null and void". Having sent the certificates in, he wrote to the State and was told they were never received. "They either got lost in the mail, a clerical error or maybe some one is playing games given the 5 year moratorium I've been calling for between the FDA and pharmaceutical company revolving door." Carrington said.

After back and forth letters and having the original certificates, Carrington sent the copies again. He received a letter from the state acknowledging the certificates and that they DID document that he fulfilled his obligations and that he did so within the time required by law. This time however, they claimed that since it was now past the deadline, they could not be accepted and since Florida no longer issues Nutrition licenses, there was no mechanism by which his license could be reinstated!

Carrington wrote back again and while the letters were going back and forth, he was arrested for "practicing a health care profession without a license!", a criminal charge. This, despite the fact that all his credentials were in order and he had the certificates documenting that he did, in fact, do what he was required to do, and he did it within the time frame required by law!

They piled on 2 more charges based on the fact that his business card states "Harvard Certified in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy". A true and accurate statement of his Harvard credentials! His prosecutors were now was claiming that putting one's true and valid credentials on a business card constitutes in and of itself "practicing" what ever those valid credentials list! This groundless connection would make almost every common citizen with a college degree or credential on their card guilty of "practicing" every credential on their card and consequently criminals!

At the time Professor Carrington was to go to trial which he welcomed, the prosecution claimed in their complaint that Carrington had "examined" patients and that an undercover detective had tape recordings. Carrington was "delighted and relieved because the tapes will show I never did any such thing!". However, despite being REPEATEDLY ordered by the court to turn over the tapes, the prosecution never did. "That's because they lied in their complaint and the tapes prove I never did what they claim!" Carrington said. To this day, the prosecution has never turned over the tapes that would have proved Carrington innocent of those charges. "The tapes still exist in the prosecutor’s possession and I challenge them to release them! I pray some day they will be heard and every one will see that being "Nifonged" is more common than one would imagine".

While looking forward to the trial that would expose the "false charges and rail-reading", Carrington's mother of 92 suffered a stroke while in the hands of his brother who was not providing her with the vitamin program Carrington wrote for her.

Carrington' brother who is NOT a believer in nutrition, placed his mother in a home against his mother's will and against Carrington's will. Professor Carrington wishes to have his mother move in with him so he could care for her and nurse her back to health as he has done for thousands of others over 40 years. "It is a supreme irony that after spending a life helping others, I am denied helping my own mother because of jealous brother" Carrington said. "The loss of my license at this time makes it financially near impossible to rescue my own mother".

As much of his work has been for the poor and those unable to pay, Carrington had to choose between paying a lawyer to defend himself against the ridiculous charges of "practicing a health care profession without a license" despite having documented fulfilled all his legal obligations on time, or, paying a lawyer to get his mother out of his brother's control and out of the home his brother put her in against her will, so he could take her home and care for her himself.

To save the expense of a trial so he can use the money to help his mother, Carrington plead "nolo contendre" which is not guilty, but will not (cannot) contest. The result was an automatic conviction. The money saved by not going to trial was immediately given to lawyers to get his mother, now 93, into his care. Out of money, that case is now stagnant.

Carrington continues to independently research Alzheimer's disease and dementia which he believes he is now able to stop and reverse to a significant degree, and continues to try to raise funds to bring his mother home.

Carrington said "There is a natural sense of relative security one has when he knows he has done nothing wrong. Innocence is supposed to be a protection to some degree. But when one can be rail roadbed like this, regardless of innocence, it reminds one of the price others have paid throughout history for exposing the corruption and dishonesty of those who prey on others." He then smiled and added: "Remind you of anyone?".
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