Taking care of your hamster

Taking Care Of Your Pet Hamster

First before you go buy your hamster, make sure that the cage is all ready for your hamster. You can buy and add accessories later. When you buy your hamster you might want to buy some hamster food and some extras for the cage. Next, as soon as you bring your hamster home, put it in its cage. Then put a small bowl of hamster food and a small bowl of water in the cage. Before you start picking up your hamster or holding it, just start to pet it. Let your hamster get used to you. Let it sniff your hand (but make sure it doesn't bite you) and pet you hamster for at least a week. Then you can start to slowly get it to go on your hand or pick it up.

Feeding your hamster: You can give your hamster a small treat once a week e.g: small piece of lettuce of a small carrot or even special hamster treats you can buy in a pet shop. Give you hamster a new bowl of fresh water each morning. And give your hamster a new bowl of hamster food whenever you notice your hamster is really low on food. Be careful not to over feed your hamster! You don't have to give it a treat every week. If you do it might (probably not) get sick. Also remember, to prevent your hamster from chewing on the bars of the cage and swallowing the paint, but it a little chewing block for it to chew on. It will keep your hamster's teeth healthy and prevent it form getting sick. And NEVER feed your hamster people food like pancakes of cookies. If you are not sure what you can feed it and what you can't than ask the people that work in the pet shop, they will know what you can feed it. Also never give it a bath or wash it. But you can give it a small sand bath. But only pour a little bit of sand on it's back. You can also take your hamster for a small walk. You can buy or make a special leash for it. But remember that it's not a dog so you can't play fetch with it or if it's going the wrong way you can't pull the leash hard or else you will send it flying through the air.

Playing with your hamster: After you and your hamster have got used to each other, start playing with your hamster. Be sure to also exercise your hamster. Hang a little piece of carrot or hamster food a bit higher than your hamster can reach. You hamster will get loads of exercise and it will enjoy the challenge of getting the food. There are lots of more ways to play and exercise your hamster like put it into the transparent hamster ball. If you don't want your hamster to run all around the house, the ball comes with a stand to put on the sides so your hamster can run in one spot. Make sure not to leave your hamster in the ball for too long or it might get tired. Let it run for at least 5-10 minutes. NEVER, NEVER kiss your hamster!!! No matter how much you you love it, you can never be sure that it has no hamster germs. But that doesn't mean you can't touch it. After when you're done playing with your hamster just wash your hands.

Decorating your hamster cage: Start off with a basic hamster cage. You can buy a starter one at the pet shop. You can buy ladders for you hamster to climb or little tubes for your hamster to go through. You can connect two hamster cages with the tubes. But don't decorate you hamster cage with toys or wooden figures because it will chew them and that's not good for you or your hamster! Decorate the cage with things you can buy at the pet shop. Those are recommended and specially designed for you hamster. If you want two hamsters or more to live in one cage or be in contact of each other, make sure it's the same breed or find a breed that will live together. But first star off with one hamster only. Once you gout the hang of taking care of a single hamster you can add more to your cage. But more hamsters means more water, more food, more care, and more responsibility. If you think you can handle it than go ahead and buy one. If you can't raise two or more you can always sell them.

I also recommend getting the hamster guide. And remember, give your hamster lots of love!!!!! Treat it as if it were a person (and I don't mean put a jacket on it and feed it a sandwich and that kind of stuff!). Care and love your hamster! And be sure to give it a name! So I hope this guide helps you and once again, LOVE YOUR HAMSTER!!!!!!! Thanks!
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