Taieb Znati

Taieb Znati is a professor of computer science at the University of Pittsburgh. He is noted for his research in quality of service support for both wired and wireless networks.
Znati did his undergraduate studies in Tunisia and Paris, received a master's degree from Purdue University in 1983, and finished his doctorate at Michigan State University in 1988. Znati served as the General Chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2005 and of SECON 2004 (the First IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks), and the Program Chair for the 29th Annual Simulation Symposium in 1996. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals IEEE Security and Privacy, Wireless Sensor Network, and the International Journal of Sensor Networks, and a member of the advisory board of the Journal of Communications Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, and Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks.
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