T.J. Humphreys

T.J. Humphreys is the founder and CEO of ProSupps; a US-based company that offers brand of sports nutrition supplements.
Early life and education
Born in California, T.J. Humphreys holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of California, Irvine (1988 - 1994).
For over a decade, T.J. Humphreys has been in the Sports nutrition industry. He started by establishing Lone Star Distribution in 2003 which grew to the extent of realizing a yearly revenue of $65 million with 3 warehouses established within a space of 7 years.
Later on in 2005, T.J. Humphreys met with the late Art Atwood; a reputed body-building expert at the 2005 Arnold Classic event. Both became friends and established a partnership in distributing body-building supplements. After the demise of Art AtWood in 2011, T.J. Humphreys continued with the business and later Joined ProSupps in 2012. He has graced the cover page of Muscle and Fitness Magazine for a record three times. He has also featured in Status Fitness and on Alchemist Radio.
For three years, T.J. Humphreys was a sponsored Prolab athlete with ads running in FLEX, Muscle and Fitness, and Bodybuilding.com. His images have been prominently displayed in various local and international bodybuilding retail stores.
Personal life
T.J Humphreys is married to Nikki and they have six beautiful children.
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