Systems intelligent scrum

Systems Intelligent Scrum (or SIS) is a new concept in development. It derives on Scrum and Systems intelligence. It is a proposition that applying Systems Intelligence in Scrum can and will bring about a greater productivity than would applying either of the concepts alone. It is also a proposition that these concepts naturally fit, and create an emergence that could have great promise in the future of the (agile) software development movement. SIS suggests that all the three Scrum roles would benefit from the knowledge and appliance of Systems Intelligence. SIS also suggests that it's the Product owner's job to apply SI in making the team/customer interaction work better, while it is the Scrum master's job to make herself knowledgeable of both Scrum and Systems Intelligence and communicating these both to the team members. It is proposed that while Scrum enables the teams to self-organize and collaborate, Systems Intelligence is the missing component that will bring about super-productivity.

SIS encourages the rotation of roles in an organization using Scrum, when Scrum has reached sufficient stability. This is an example of ideas and concepts that can be interpreted to be encouraged by both Scrum and SI. SI mentions this approach as a step towards deeper understanding of the whole organization by the actors. .

Origins of SIS

SIS was formulated privately in May 2008 by Susanna Kaukinen, a (CSM) Certified Scrum master and Software Engineer and also a former student of Esa Saarinen and Raimo P. Hämäläinen in the Laboratory of Systems Analysis in the Helsinki University of Technology.
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