
"The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

--Jake Kotze, The Brave New World Order weblog

Synchromysticism appears to be a relatively new phenomenon within the outer fringes of the online Occult, Esoteric
and Conspiracy circles. It involves taking a slew of movies, music lyrics, historical happenings and so-called "esoteric
knowledge", and drawing connections between all elements usually to prove a general or specific point of the authors.
The justification or the rationality for this type of activity usually involves a direct or indirect reference to the
"collective unconscious mind", thus the "Synchro-" in "Synchromystical", refering to Synchronicity.

Thus the ability to (for example) draw paralells between the movie "Stargate" and its actor Kurt Russell,
and that same actors role in Escape From New York where he lands a "glider" atop one of the worldtrade centers.
The connection between the "Stargate" and a plane or plane-like object flying towards one of the Twin Towers is
here made through an actor who was one of the main characters in both movies. They call these types of people or connectors

Here we have the 3 elements which normally seem to make up Synchromysticism:

Occult Knowledge - often involving esoteric fraternities, cults and secret rituals.

Politics - almost always involves the "elite", the hidden masterminds which seem all-prevalent in conspiracy theories.

Mass Media - this is usually where the effects of the interaction between the previous two show up, either on purpose or as

a side-effect of synchronistic occurence.

Some synchromystical sites:

Technorati Posts tagged Synchromystical
Brave New World Order. Decent site.
BWNO wiki. Horrible format, decent information
BWNO's youtube channel..
Other blogs involved with Synchromysticism.
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