Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini

Syed Shah Khusro Hussaini (born 10 September 1945) is the Sajjada Nashin of the Dargah Khaja Bandanawaz (Gulbarga). He is a double post graduate from Osmania University (in Arabic language and literature) and McGill University (in Islamic Studies). He specializes in the science of Sufism. He has been honoured with Doctor of Arts (Belford University) and Doctor of Letters (Gulbarga University) for his contribution to the field of Sufism and education.
He is also the Chancellor, Khaja Bandanawaz University, Gulbarga, and President, Khaja Education Society, Gulbarga, which manages more than 24 educational institutions (including faculties of Medicine and Engineering).
Dr. Hussaini has contributed articles and research papers in national and international journals, besides presenting paper in conferences and seminars.
Amongst his other publications are Sayyid Muhammad al-Husayni Gisudiraz : On Sufism; Muhammad (pbuh) : Wa Rafa‘na laka dhikrak. There are about ten more works of his in preparation for publication.
Dr. Hussaini has been honoured with many awards and distinctions. He is associated with a number of national and international organizations of repute.
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