Swivel New Media

Founded in Vancouver, BC in 1997, Swivel New Media is a Canadian company serving a diverse customer base across North America, from small home businesses to multi-billion dollar producers and exporters. The firm's creative services include brand management, website and print design. Technical services including web hosting, VOIP and varied digital data delivery systems are its primary revenue generators.
Between the years 1997 and 2000 Swivel developed strategies to combine design services with complete web hosting solutions. Initially the company focused on outsourcing services but gradually began to move to an in-house business model which contributed to gross revenue increases as well as overhead fixed cost increases. Initially the burden to bring services in-house slightly hampered growth, although in future years it has contributed to higher quality assurance and increased earnings.
In 2001 Swivel launched its Swivel TV service, enabling customers to add high quality video to their websites using a proprietary interface. Using the web-based control panel, customers could upload videos over 100 Megabytes in size, without any special setting modifications to their browser.
From 2002 to 2006 Swivel diversified further, adding hardware and software sales to its product line-up. In 2004 Swivel TV was seen by IATSE cinematographers and significantly, over a hundred channels were added for the use of Hollywood Directors of Photography for their demo reels. With the success of the service the company released a HD iteration in 2005 enabling a new generation of users to showcase full high-definition video from their websites.
Swivel recently announced new voip and pbx services geared to mid-sized businesses based on the open source "Asterisk" platform. Open source initiatives play a key role in the company's technology choices for business services.
The Swivel logo in its current form was created in 2002 and is based on classic styling attributes common to long-standing brands in corporate North America.
Swivel headquarters are located in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.
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