Susan Ji-on Tokudo Postal

Susan Ji-on Tokudo Postal (April 20, 1940 - February 7, 2014) was the guiding teacher at Empty Hand Zen Center, in New Rochelle, NY, as well as the founding teacher. Tokudo Sensei received Dharma Transmission from her teacher/Dharma Predecessor the late Darlene Cohen of the Russian River Zendo in Guerneville, CA, on January 18, 2008.
Tokudo Sensei performed priestly ordinations for Deb Mushin Wood in 2010 and Catherine Shuho Spaethand in 2013. She gave Dharma Transmission to her student the late Dennis Myozan Keegan, her Dharma heir.
In addition to a life dedicated to meditation, which meant helping members of her community practice the discipline of mindfulness, Susan Ji-on Tokudo Postal was the mother of two grown children, who gave her five grandchildren. Tokudo Sensei was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and died in Mt. Pleasaent, NY. Her interests in spirituality and anthropology were nurtured by her studies from as early as high school to higher learning, namely her alma maters Stanford and Harvard Universities. She has contributed articles to various publications about Zen practice. A book of memories and tributes to Tokudo Sensei entitled "Fallen Blossoms, Blooming in Winter" is due out spring 2017.
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