
Styleslut is a cult London-based blog that takes a cutting look at music, fashion and lifestyle issues, often with a satirical or ironic edge. Popular with the British 'hipster' community, the blog is often cited as one of the catalysts for the 'new-rave' or ‘whore-ditch’ scene . (Although, the blog has since renounced the movement and often mocks it.)

Dazed and Confused magazine called the site and in 2006 Styleslut was voted one of the in the people’s choice category at the BT Online Music Awards.


Many people have criticised the site for being aggressively offensive and for promoting racist and sexist attitudes. In an interview with Time Out magazine, Donald Crunk, one of the blog’s founders, claimed that they didn’t really get into the swing of things, until we realised we could be as racist, sexist and homophobic as we wanted to without being arrested.

Due to the blogs irreverent and punk attitude, many people have drawn comparisons to Vice Magazine. One of the Vice Magazine UK's writers, a popular grime blogger named Prancehall, claimed that the Styleslut blog was an - over the top, painfully unfunny attempt to imitate what vice was doing over a decade ago, when the two blogs became embroiled in a personal war of words in early 2008.


It is rumoured that the blog was originally created as a parody of Vice and the hipster culture that surrounds it, with its principle aim being to satirically mimic Vice Magazines ‘in your face’ content and humour.

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