
Ben Daniels (born April 23, 1980), better known as Kragg, is a pop-culture blogger and columnist who has written for multiple websites. Over the years he has written multiple blogs on topics such as movies, pop culture, and video games. He operates his own blog as well as writing a bi-weekly column for the popular independent video game website "Evil" as well as formerly writing video game reviews for UGO Networks affiliate Gaming Target.
The name "Kragg" is a reference to the character "Kragg The Conqueror" from the 1970's/1980's animated series The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show.
On the popular gaming site Kragg is the author of the bi-weekly column The Kraggonomicon which contains comedic editorials about video games, and gaming culture.
He is also one of the co-hosts of their weekly podcast Shotgun.
Personal Writing
Kragg also operates his own personal blog titled The Vomiting Unicorn Gazette which covers topics ranging from video games and video game culture to movies, music and errata concerning current events.
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