Stray Ghost

Stray Ghost is a musician from Oxford, England. His style of music incorporates elements of Drone,Soundscape,Shoegaze, Ambient and Noise.


Stray Ghost was first given exposure after befriending Matthew Rozeik at Truck Festival.
It was Matthew Rozeik who passed on a collection of tracks to Thorsten of Highpoint Lowlife

In 2007 a web-release was put onto the Highpoint Lowlife website and following the popularity of the download, a limited production album has been slated for release in Mid-2008.

A two track EP is also being released in April 2008 on small Oxford-based label Dead Pilot Records. The track "Flight" was featured in a compilation for Sonic Frontiers along with bands such as Earth and This Will Destroy You.

A collaboration with Matthew Rozeik has also been penciled and the pair have apparently completed one track, although this is yet unreleased.

Live performances are to-date rare and are often performed with the assistance of two friends, under the name Nephila.



Fabula/Sjuzhet (2008, Dead Pilot Records)


Stray Ghost - Web Release (2007, Highpoint Lowlife)

Losthilde (2008, Highpoint Lowlife)
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