Strange night visitors

Strange Night Visitors (also known as S.N.V., midnight visitors, night strangers) are a paranormal phenomenon that can be traced as back as far as the 1940s, but have only been reported in the mainstream since the late 1990’s, when columnist Randy Milton described his encounter with malevolent beings he called his “strange midnight visitors.” These visitors are primarily tall lean men with deathly pale skin, however, their have been occasions where female visitors are present. While the circumstances behind each incident vary from story to story, there are several common elements. For one, the visitors often contact the witness beforehand via a secondary form of communication like the telephone, e-mail, the internet, or conventional mail. However, the visitor will hardly ever speak more than a few words if anything at all until they physically see the person. Another common element is that witnesses always feel a deep-seated sense of dread, bordering on absolute terror, despite their calm and polite demeanor. During the encounter, the witness is normally alone during the dead of the night and is often asked private questions about their life or about things they thought no one else knew about. At some point in the conversation the visitor will either inexplicably leave, or demand entrance into the person’s home. It is believed that if the being wants to enter they have chosen the person for something; however, there are no stories about people who have given them admittance, so it is impossible to say exactly what happens.
Similar Beings
Some accounts have suggested that these people could possibly be men in black, ghosts, black-eyed kids, vampires, or demons. However, Strange Night Visitors have several fundamental differences with each of the above paranormal beings.
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