Kelly Cahill encounter

The Dandenong Foothills Encounter is a claimed alien abduction alleged to have taken place near midnight on 8 August 1993 in Dandenong, Victoria, Australia. It involved Kelly Cahill, her husband, Andrew Cahill, her 3 children and some other 3 witnesses, Bill, Jan and Glenda, unrelated to them, 8 persons in total, although it was claimed that there was also another man present on the scene. The other three witnesses described the other car and the other man at the bottom of the road. It was considered by some, like J. Auchlettl, as one of the most reliable alien abduction incidents as most of the witnesses are unrelated.
The Cahills had visited a friend's birthday party the night of August 7. After midnight, the Cahills started to drive home. They passed beside the foothills of Mount Dandenong, beside a very wide field. A car is driving behind them (Where Bill, Glenda and Jan rides on) on the same bound, and another car far off in the foothill. Kelly did not see and describe the third car. Only Glenda and Jan did. While Driving, Kelly noticed a strange light on the field beside them. Some accounts described that Kelly had seen a similar light in their travel to their friend's house, thus saying that she saw the UFO twice that cloudy night.
Over the fields is where they first noticed the lights of a diameter ring-shaped rounded craft with windows around it. It silently hovered above the road. Different colored lights were clearly visible on the bottom of the object. The UFO was so close to the ground that Kelly thought she could see people through the window openings.
Suddenly, a very bright light blinded them. Shading her eyes from the intense light with her hands over her eyes, Kelly asked her husband, "What are you going to do?" Her husband replied, "I am going to keep on driving." They both then got out of the car to examine the object. The 3 occupants of the car behind them also went out to examine the very large object. She turned back to take her hand bag, then crossed the other bound and approached the object in curiosity.
Suddenly, they saw a tall, luminous, entity she described as "Black", although she later described them not as black, but as void in color (colorless), although she described that as being visible. The shadow-like being have large, glowing red eyes.
Suddenly, "Heaps" of similar creatures appeared underneath the UFO. The group congregated into two groups and glided to the group of Bill, while the rest came gliding to them.
Kelly Cahill started to say "they have no souls..." until she screamed "They are evil and they have no souls...and they will steal our souls!". She described that the beings were "hovering". They were then given examinations on the road, wherein she described seeing only "Up to her knees". The people on Bill's group described that the group of beings who approached them divided further and some went to the other car far off.
Kelly can hear his husband screaming "Let go of me!", and somewhat, a male voice answered "We won't harm you". Her husband responded by saying "Why did you hit Kelly Then?", and the being answered "I wont harm her, She's my daughter". She felt a strange sense of power (or energy) around her. Then another very blinding light came upon them, and then she awoke on their car again.
They arrived home past midnight. They noticed that somewhat there is a missing time in their travel home. She also noticed a triangular mark on her navel. Weeks later, she remembered the encounter in details via her nightmares.
She described seeing the UFO once more on another occasion, although she did not see the void entities. The beings appeared in numerous times in her dreams, and sometimes, in her room. Although the beings look quite scary, she described them as somewhat benevolent, as in one occasion the beings returned to her some lost stuff, including her bible. The beings are described in a way similar to the description of several aliens described in a separate UFO landing case in Lancaster, England in 1928, although no eyes were described. The 3 other persons on the night of their encounter, also described the creatures as having no eyes visible. From July through September 1993 small orange fireballs, about the size of tennis balls, frequently hit the windows of the house. Kelly, her husband, and her mother witnessed the phenomena.
Kelly Cahill also noted that about two and a half years earlier, Kelly dremt in which she moved through a flesh-like hourglass apparatus. The same night she experienced a “vision” of opening their back door and seeing a light for a few seconds. Kelly experienced the same sense of power she felt in the field in August 1993. After the encounter and until July 1994, the Cahill house (built in 1949) had been the scene of fleeting observations of tall “shadows,”(possibly the entities) seen by both Kelly and her husband and somewhat "Tennis ball" sized orange ball of lights hitting their window. A bad smell occasionally permeated the house and seemed to move around.
It was strange that this abduction is very little known. No press got ever involved in the case, and the only investigating team is the PRA, led by John Auchlettl. The only evidence they found of the encounter is a crop circle and low-level magnetic anomaly at the encounter site, somewhat similar to the physical evidence on the Copely Woods Encounter in USA in 1983.
The other 3 witnesses from the other car also described the night similarly as she did, however, they described the shadowy beings without eyes. They also described on-board experiences, which Kelly didn't. The man on the other car, like Kelly's husband, shared a very small role on the encounter, and remembers less of the encounter.
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