Star Weiss

Star Weiss is a journalist and author. She was born in Tarrytown, New York and moved around the state as a child, spending her teen years in White Plains. Weiss moved to Canada after meeting her husband, Russ. Together they have had two daughters and now live out of Victoria, British Columbia. She is the co-author of Island Cookery, the author of Kitchen Culture: The Lives and Foods of Immigrant Women in the Cowichan and Chemainus Valleys, and has been featured in Chicken Soup for the Nature Lover's Soul, Polenta on the Board (by Valerie Mitchell) and Ways We live, exploring the community (by Susan Berlin). Her writing has also appeared in The Globe and Mail, The Vancouver Sun, Focus Magazine and Chatelaine.
She is the author of Havens in a Hectic World: Finding Sacred Spaces.
Links and references
*Star's Website
*Chicken Soup for the Soul
*Publisher's website
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