Srayra is a small village in the Jezzine District of Lebanon. Located from Jezzine, the village sits at an elevation of above sea level, and consists of about 60 homes. A link between the districts of Bekaa, Jezzine and Hasbaya, Srayra is known for its cultivation of olives and nuts. Srayra is also home to a local Red Cross clinic where patients from Srayra and neighboring villages are seen on a weekly basis by a doctor from Jezzine. Many residents of Srayra have relocated to the Chouf District to find work and education, due to the lack of jobs in Srayra and the neighbouring towns. The local public school has closed due to the lack of students. The main families of Srayra are Kiwan, Fares, Mahmoud, and Abu Mahdi. The total population is about 600, of whom 304 were registered to vote in the 2009 elections.