Israel national student and youth council

Israel National Youth and Student Council is the democratically elected body which represents the 700,000 students and youth of Israel since 1993.
The council formatiom
The National Council consists of 45 members elected from 7 district Youth Councils (North, Haifa, Center, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, South and Arab Sector). Those councils in turn are chosen from the Youth Councils of the towns, cities, and local area councils (Administrative areas enclosing, kibbutz's and moshavim) in that district. Any such municipal area council is itself elected from the Student Councils of the schools in the area, as well as representatives from local youth movements or any other youth organizations. Students Councils, of course, are elected from within the student body of the school. This method ensures both fair representation at every level for students from every locale and background, and easy and swift communication and co-operation between the various councils. The entire system of councils is estimated to contain some 20-30,000 representatives around the country.
Every council, from the school through to the national, adheres strictly to democratic procedure. The secretariat, including, but not restricted to, chairman, vice-Chairman, speaker, general secretary and critic, as well as the representatives to the next level council, are elected for each council by its members. Each and every council functions according to a codex of rules which has been voted on, and is in compliance with the "super-codex", voted upon by the "Veyida" of councils. The Veyida is the ultimate source of democratic authority of the councils - an annual congress of some 700 representatives from every council in the country, which decides upon the policy of the National Council for the year.
Each council has a representative role. Has a constituency. The National represents all the students in any and all institutions of relevancy, such as the Knesset, various government ministries and bodies, first and foremost the Ministry of Education (A sub-section of which provides the council with logistical support.), the media, etc. A district council works in a similar way on a regional level. A local council does the same, representing the youth and the students in the city or municipality. A school council does so in a school, acting as the student voice to the teachers and management, on any and all issues, from deciding to which hour a school party will continue, to choosing whether to institute a school uniform, to negotiating the details of a student strike.
Such rigidly democratic institutions are necessary, living up to the legality given to the existence of councils in the "Law of Student Rights", due to the nature of Council activities, which can be split roughly into two spheres: representative and activist.
Local councils
Local councils do much the same at a municipal level, organizing events for all the students in the city, like used school-book fairs, parties, sports tournaments, town clean-ups, meetings with students from different background, such as secular and religious, or Jewish and Arab, etc. Local councils are often very different from city to city, each one displaying its own unique character, and different areas of activity according to whatever the needs and wants of the population may be.
District Councils
District Councils and the National Council work on a regional/national level, working independently or with the ministry of education, local and school councils or various other organizations, such as charities and nonprofit funds, or companies and the media, in both independent projects carried out by the National/District council, and in providing tools and contacts and activities which Local and School councils can make use of in their work.
Collection of laws that were legislated in the Israeli parliament. the laws where proposed by the national student and youth council:
* Local Authorities (Head of Youth Unit. Council of Students and Youth), 2011
promotes and regulates the field of informal education in Israel. According to the law: each local authority will work to promote informal education field, the - by promoting educational activities and cultural frameworks. Required to establish a Local students and Youth council.
* Students Rights Law
The first law of its kind in the world. The law states the principles regarding the student. The law is the spirit of human dignity and the principles of the United Nations Rights of the Child Agreement. Among the categories of law: the right to education, the prohibition of discrimination, and handling the permanent exclusion of a student from an educational institution, Right to student representation by the district student's and council in the district hearing committees, the right to take the matriculation examination, the establishment and activities of the student council at school and the duty of confidentiality (student privacy).
*Local Authorities (Elections)
Right to vote in elections to the local authority - from age 17
*Law "Municipalities Ordinance"
Required to establish a municipal committee on advancing the status of the child. Among the committee members will be the chairman of the local student and youth council
*"Municipalities Ordinance" Law
Required to establish a municipal committee on education. Among the committee members will be the chairman of the local student and youth council
* lowering the age of issuing driver's licenses to 17. For the first three months after obtaining the license, the young driver will accompany the adult driver.
In 2012 the Israel's national student and youth council held the International Youth Leadership Conference under the slogan "Take The Lead!"
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