Sprinkle oatmeal fruit

Sprinkle oatmeal FRUIT

Oatmeal is one of the high-fiber foods are very good if consumed. Oatmeal or oat to provide energy than other fibrous foods, such as rice. Much scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of oatmeal to overcome diseases - diseases such as diabetes experienced by my grandmother. My grandmother regularly consume oatmeal than rice because of the high antioxidant content and complex carbohydrates are good for the body. Oatmeal in powder form is very mudh obtained in stores or supermarkets. Generally consumed as porridge oats for breakfast or just eat for a snack. And here I will give a recipe for oatmeal food lovers are not bored with the taste of oatmeal.
1. 200 grams of oatmeal powder
2. 300 ml of liquid milk (can be sweet or fresh to taste)
1. 2-3 tablespoons butter / margarine
2. 1 pears
3. 1 apple red

4. 10 fruit wines
5. 5 strawberries
6. 100 ml honey (to taste)
1. Prepare the oatmeal that will be cooked, pour into a pan that has been poured 300ml of milk, then pour boiling water on the stove, stirring constantly to keep thick oatmeal porridge.
2. After the porridge looks sticky, turn off the stove and moved porridge oats in a bowl.
3. Cut a small - tiny pears, apples, strawberries fit your taste

4. Heat the butter and then enter the fruit - fruit that had been cut - cut.
5. Stir until blended, then lift
6. Combine fruits - fruits with honey to taste with the average
7. Pour over oatmeal porridge which had been prepared in bowl
8. Add celery or other decorations for food look more attractive.
9. Oatmeal ready to serve
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