Special Force - ParaCommando Division

The Special Force - ParaCommando Division will be an independent special operations division of the Bangladesh Army. According to the Forces Goal 2030 this division will be officially formed within 2030 consisting two ParaCommando Brigades. One of those two brigades has been risen already which is known as Special Force - ParaCommando Brigade
Under this duvision's command, there will be two ParaCommando Brigades. They are:
* Special Force - 1st ParaCommando Brigade, headquartered in Sylhet.
* Special Force - 2nd ParaCommando Brigade (will be risen within 2030)
Commandos are trained to operate in any kind of missions at home and abroad. Their missions include (but are not limited to):
* Unconventional warfare
* Counter-insurgency
* Counter-narcotics
* Counter-terrorism
* Covert insertions/extractions
* Hostage rescue and personnel recovery
* Raids
* Special reconnaissance
* Airborne operation
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