Spartan War

is a new text/browser-based game created as a hobby by

Spartan War
Spartan War is a text/browser based game. When you enter the site, there are options to either login, or register. In the game you can do several things. The Interface isn't hard at all.

The Game
The goal of this game is to become the strongest Spartan. You can buy several Spartan Units]], Persian Units and Forest Units to create your very own army. To do this, you will need to , , , and .

Other Info
So, this game is text/browser based. It's scripted in several different languages, such as PHP, MySQL, HTML, Java and more. The reason why this game was created, is because the Administrator does this as a hobby. Therefor, there will be no payments or whatsoever to play the game.

Also, if there are any questions about this game, you should visit the
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