Spaghetti girl

Spaghetti girl or "spaghetti lesbian" is a neologism that refers to a woman who identifies as heterosexual but will occasionally engage in sexual acts with another woman, typically when a man is not available.
The term is derived from the colloquial phrase "straight until wet." Spaghetti is used as a metaphor for the person in question's sexual orientation, in this case "straight" or heterosexual, which becomes less rigidly defined when the person in question is sexually aroused, in the same way that spaghetti loses its rigidity in boiling water.
"Spaghetti girl" is used to distinguish between women who regularly engage in sexual acts with other women and those who do not. The phrase has taken on a pejorative usage in the lesbian community, where hostility toward bisexual and pansexual women has existed since the 1970s. Women with ambiguous sexual identities are marginalized by many lesbians, which has perpetuated the negative connotation of the phrase.
The exact origin of the phrase is unknown. In season 5, episode 8 ("Lay Down the Law" 2008) of Showtime's hit series The L Word, Jodi, played by Marlee Matlin, uses spaghetti girl in a conversation with Shane (Katherine Moennig). Shane is conflicted about her feelings towards Molly, who is a straight character and begins to show interest in Shane. As Shane grapples with this, Jodi asks, "Is she a spaghetti girl?" to which Shane responds in confusion about the term. This is considered by some to be the entrance of the phrase into the lexicon.
It has since become the subject of several Internet memes and become integrated into popular lesbian slang.
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