Southern Board Game Festival

The Southern Board Game Festival (SBGF) is an annual one-day Board Game Convention hosted in Lafayette, Louisiana in the spring. The inaugural event was held on April 14, 2018, with approximately 150 in attendance. This is the largest fundraising event for New Hope Community Development of Acadiana. The next event is scheduled for March 30, 2019, at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Student Union from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
The event is designed for both experienced gamers and those new to the hobby. For those who are newer to the hobby, there is an area with gateway games already set up on the table and experienced gamers eager to teach you and your friends how to play the games you are going to love. The games in the gateway area are carefully selected, choosing the games with simple rule sets that best demonstrate key game mechanics.
For experienced gamers, there are full-play through demonstrations of the newest and hottest games in the hobby. An experienced gamer who is passionate about that particular game shows players how to play and supervises their play through.
There will also be a "Geaux Pub" area, for game designers to play test their latest designs. Their prototypes will be played by convention goers as well as by other designers. Afterwards, the designers will meet together to discuss each others game design.
Other Activities
Southern Board Game Festival also puts on monthly "Board Games and Brew" on the first Wednesday of each month that combines "craft board games" with craft beers. The event is designed for make the board gaming more accessible to those who are new or are curious about the hobby.
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