Elevator game

The elevator game is a game where you have too go to a hotel where it has to be at least ten stores. You start at the at the first floor, then you go in a certain floor order and when you reach the fifth floor a woman is suppose to get on dont look or speak to her shes not human and you go a certain order to get back to to life.
Players should locate an elevator in a building with 10 floors, ride it alone and visit different floors in a specific order, with special instructions not to trust, look, or speak, with a lady who enters on the fifth floor joining you on the elevator.
Alternative world
The only person in the otherworld is the participant that plays the game. According to the ritual, the building is identical; except that all the lights are out and the only thing the player would see outside is a red cross.
Travel back
The ritual states that to return to the world that the player comes from, the player must use the same elevator. However, this may be difficult as you may be confused or the elevator goes farther away the closer you get. The steps must be done in the same sequence up to the fifth floor. Then the final button will return the player to the tenth floor, but the player must press another button in between and the first floor button to go to the first floor. The game rules ask the player to check for small things to be sure they are back in the real world and offer steps to do if the player considers this is not the case.
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