
SoCIP event is the annual premier China's IP seminar and exhibition where major global SoC IP and design technology companies meet the Chinese SoC design professionals. In 2009, SoCIP will be held in two major SoC design concentrated cities: Beijing and Shanghai. See the various exhibits that demonstrate broad varieties of IP and SoC development techniques. Attend the seminars for in-depth knowledge of world-class IP advancement and SoC design practices. Meet the experts from around the world to exchange views and let them share with you their knowhow. Being in SoCIP should mean fun and experience.
Visitor Profile
The SoCIP 2009 Exhibition is opened to all professionals from the SoC design related industries. However, due to the limited seating available at the Seminar, all seminar attendees are required to register before-hand and qualified seminar attendee will be notified. Our screening effort is to ensure a high standard of visitor profile and seminar quality.
SoCIP 2008 has attracted a wide profile of professionals from SoC related industries. Visitors includes CEOs, CTOs, Corporate Executives, R&D Directors and Managers, Project Managers, System Platform Designers, CAD/CAE/EDA Professionals, System Architects, FPGA Designers, ASSP/ASIC Designers, Technical Sales and Marketing Professionals, SoC Designers and Engineering Professors in China from the following industries:
* Fabless Semiconductor Design
* SoC R&D Department
* Universities and Institutions involve in SoC R&D
* Digital Consumer Electronics
* Automotive Industry
* Space and Aircraft Design
* Mobile Technology Companies
* Wireless and Telecommunications
* Military and related industries
*Fpga prototype
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