
Socionihilism is a new, progressive and less extreme form of nihilism. Its foundations are mainly drawn from moral nihilism, from which arguments are taken to show that there is a way out of the inevitability of the nihilistic viewpoint.
The socionihilist seeks an intermediary solution to what Nietzsche predicted:

"I praise, I do not reproach, arrival. I believe it is one of the greatest crises, a moment of the deepest self-reflection of humanity. Whether man recovers from it, whether he becomes master of this crisis, is a question of his strength. It is possible. . . . (Complete Works Vol. 13)"

SocioNihilism uses nihilism to strip social and philosophical issues of their worth and value in order to redraw the map of factors that define a qualitatif human life; where as raw nihilism would just strip all sense of worth and value and stick with whatever the outcome of that would be. The nihilist regards this outcome as the inevitability of futile human despair, the socionihilist regards this outcome as a chance for something more progressive and constructive: "in order to create, one must destroy".

Once all moral and social (written and unwritten) rules and restrictions are disposed of, one could live a life in complete philosophical, religious, sociological and moral freedom, free of mental boundaries and limits.

What separates socionihilism from most other philosophies as well (even though socionihilism can't be seen as a philosophy, as much as an anti-philosophy), is the fact that it's theory relativates itsself as much as any other theory and doesn't think of itsself as absolute, but as relative as any other perception on life, death and philosophy. It's also important to note that tries hard to find an effective balance between misanthropy, nihilism, anarchy and hedonism.

"Note that I don't reject "society", as such that I wish to see it destroyed like morality and values. Society and many of mankind's structures are some of the reasons why we've survived sofar, and I'm convinced we still need those to keep doing so.
We have, however, evolved into the phase where society and it's values have become the goal and the purpose to live, with life as the tool to maintain society as it is; while society, morality and values should be the tool to maintain human life as it is.
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