SMARTHINKING is a private, for-profit online tutoring service based in Washington, D.C. It provides tutoring services in real time, 24 hours a day.
Student services
SMARTHINKING provides online tutoring and writing services for its students. Tutoring services are sold on an hourly plan basis to individuals and organizations. A division of SMARTHINKING, StraighterLine, offers introductory college classes that are transferable to other institutions. SMARTHINKING also offers an online writing lab for assistance with essays.
Institution services
SMARTHINKING offers online grading services for institutions, and aims to return results within 24 hours. Custom academic support programs are offered to universities and other organizations, in which a unique tutoring support program is developed for the particular organization's needs. For organizations that would like to staff their own tutors but do not have the technology infrastructure, the company offers a hosted virtual learning center. Support is offered for ESL students who speak Spanish as their primary language.
As of 2010, SMARTHINKING has partnered with more than 500 organizations, including the US Army, Texas State Technical College, and the University of New Mexico.
Some students at Fort Hays State University in Kansas argue that StraighterLine is devaluing their university and higher education in general. An analysis of StraighterLine on Kairosnews questions whether control of courses will move from instructors to centralized online providers.
* 2007 CODiE Award, Best Instruction for Students at Home
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