Slit eye

Slit eye () or Japsen (pejorative for Japanese, but is used to insult all East Asians) is a derogative sometimes racist term for a person from East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia, in particular North Vietnam and Japan. It emerged in popular German language usage in the 1950s and 1960s during the wave of immigration of socialist Vietnamese to socialist East Germany. After the fall of the Berlin wall the term spread to Western Germany and is a common term to characterize Asians. It is used to describe a person of Asia or Asian background with Epicanthic fold. The use is not restricted to Germans. It is also widely used in Austria, German-speaking Switzerland, and the immigrants who are not from East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia. But the insult should not be overstated because Asians are successful business people. If someone use the insult then often envy plays a role.
Other use
Schlitzauge can also describe a person who is deceitful, nasty or clever in a broader sense.
It is also used in the medical field to describe Epikanthus medialis (see Epicanthic fold).
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