Sliema’s Sri Chinmoy Statue Controversy

The Sliema’s Sri Chinmoy Statue Controversy is the public discussion that started when the Sri Chinmoy Peace Movement monument was erected on the Sliema promenade with no or little consultation with the residents of the said town.
Events of the controversy
On January 14, 2016, a new statue of Sri Chinmoy was inaugurated in Sliema, Malta in the presence of local and international dignitaries.
However, some 732 people signed a petition demanding the removal of the statue on the basis of several allegations of fraud and sexual abuse of female followers levelled at Mr Chinmoy.
The Sliema local council stated that he was led to believe the monument was for peace, not to celebrate a cult leader, and thought the project was approved or financed by the Maltese branch of UNESCO, which was denied by the UNESCO National Commission .
Though the monument was paid by Chinmoy's devotees the Chinmoy's discpiples' run web sites thanked Malta for offering the Statue.Sliema councillor , Paul Radmilli ,says he was sole dissenting voice against Chinmoy statue,The reply he received was that it was "too late" for the council to distance itself from event.
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