
SlideFinder is a search engine specialized in searching for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. The speciality lies in its ability to search and display parts of presentations. SlideFinder AB which is the company's formal name has its headquarter in Stockholm, Sweden and was founded in June 2008.
About the search engine
Searching for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations using traditional search engines can be a tedious and frustrating trial-and-error effort, leaving the user with a list of links to PowerPoint files that are less than optimal. The user is left to the struggle of opening and sifting through each individual file before finding the right PowerPoint presentation. SlideFinder, on the other hand, treats the individual slide as the smallest entity of the presentation, rendering the users search results they are looking for, instead of dreary file listings.

SlideFinder views the presentation in the same light as other search engines view the site. Instead of viewing the presentation just as a large file, SlideFinder’s search renders the individual slides using thumbnails. Breaking down the search result to single slides enables the search engine to display a visual search result page. Users can see exactly what each slide looks like without leaving the browser. In addition, while hovering a specific slide the users are able to read the speaker notes that the presenter has written for that slide.
Supported languages
SlideFinder currently supports the following user interface languages:
Search engine Add-on
The SlideFinder search engine has a Microsoft PowerPoint Add-In which allows users to search from within Microsoft PowerPoint. Users can from their search result add slides to their current presentation. The Add-in is available at the following location It is supported in English, Swedish, German and Spanish.
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