
Sled Dogging
An often misunderstood leadership concept, sled-dogging is just like it sounds to the initiated. To those unfamiliar with the term, this article will attempt to explain the vast meaning behind this simple compound word, contained in the vernacular of the United States Marine Corps, used to describe an extraordinarily intense leadership mindset. To put this concept into practice is not for the feint of heart, and it is suggested that only the strong willed exercise the leadership styles embracing the concept of sled-dogging.
To best understand sled-dogging, picture yourself observing a pack of sled-dogs pulling a sled. You notice that the lead dog, content in his position, is not truly pulling his weight. Fueled by molten rage, you run in step behind the lead dog, and you slit his throat. It is not enough to simply slit this alpha dog's throat. It is imperative that a show of it is made to the other dogs in order to demonstrate to them your aggression and desire to lead.
Once the slaying is finished, you pick up the body of the now dead alpha dog, and you cast the corpse aside. You then take the reigns and push with all your might. Your new pack will now follow you, pulling your sled through the frozen wastes of Hell's 9th Circle if you wish it so.
Push While Resting
"Push while resting-" Another concept that those without a martial mindset will have difficulty comprehending. This short explanation has been written in an attempt to share this rich, colorful verbage with those not of the warrior ethos.
How does one push while resting? While the two terms, in a rational sense, seem incompatible, it is in fact possible to push while resting.
Only through true dedication and intensive training can one achieve the proper physical and mental states to enable themselves with this ability. From an outsider's point of view, it would almost seem as if the individual who is performing this feat is in a restive, relaxed state, yet abuzz with energy and motivation. An attempt to observe this individual any closer typically results in the absolute destruction of the observer, as an untrained observer cannot handle the pure might and raw power of one who is capable of pushing while resting.
With that said, this attempt at rationally explaining "pushing while resting" has utterly failed, further illustrating that some divine concepts are not meant for rational human understanding. They just are, and should be appreciated as such.
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