Simona Le Roy is a French author who has explored many topics in education and parenting such as "Children's fears", “Inventing stories: an effective way to stimulate socio-emotional development of children in kindergarten”, "Musical and verbal messages in lullabies", “What kind of teacher is Santa?”. Le Roy's most popular work is "The PAF method" (Partnership Against Fear), an educational 4 steps method to overcome children’s fear. Based on a partnership between children and parents, the PAF method proposes to help children channel the energy triggered by fear and use it to develop skills, creativity and intelligence. Le Roy published several stories for children. Le Roy's characters: Hupi the monster, Wallace the butterfly, Nochika the granddaughter of the Night, Misumena the spider, Komyak the hamster, teach children about different ways through which they can transforme their fear into a positive and beneficial experience.